Selected: Clarinet


Sometimes bad things happen to an instrument at a most inconvenient time. We will do our best to help you in your situation! Emergencies are considered:

1. Crack repairs
2. Broken springs
3. Adjustments
4. Broken tenons or corks
5. Broken keys (without plating)
6. Lost or broken rods and screws
7. Broken tenons
8. Bent keys

A qualified estimate can first be done after we have seen the instrument for appraisal. The same applies for the estimated duration of the repair.

Spare instrument

If a spare instrument is needed depending on the situation, duration, and availability, you can either borrow or rent a spare if available. The shipping costs will have to be paid by the customer in addition to a service charge. Call for details.

Should our service be required outside our usual workshop hours, over-hour charges will be applicable:

1. between 5pm and 7pm 25% additional costs
2. between 7pm and 10pm 50% additional cost
3. between 10pm and 9am as well as on Sun- or Holidays 150 % extra

We are free to decline this service without any notice or explanation.

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(C) 2014 - by Lohff & Pfeiffer - Brøndbyvej 211 - 2625 Vallensbæk + 45 3535 8643 - SE DK 1895 7485