

This is a list of references of music and books or links to archives with clarinet related topics.

Books are still some of the best sources of information. They are the accumulation of years of research and experience. Many have been published long before the internet and their content is not available online. Nevertheless, they can be extremely helpful and a great source for inspiration. Many are available in libraries or can be ordered.

Some books might be written in a language you are not familiar with. Don't get discouraged! Luckily, modern technology makes it easy to scan whatever you are interested in and get it translated. Some books are available as E-books and can be translated directly on your device. They might not always be 100% accurate but these programs improve rapidly.

Clarinet bibliographie A great CD rom with over 55,000 pieces of music for clarinet Clarinet bibliographie

Rohrblatt Archive A great archive of articles about woodwind instrument topics published since 1986 (most of them in German) Rohrblatt Register 1986-2008

Einfach üben by Gerhard Mantel
Great book about many practicing techniques (only available in German) ISBN 978-3-7957-8727-0

Die Kunst des Musizierens by Renate Klöppe Von den physiologischen und psychologischen Grundlagen zur Praxisl (only available in German) ISBN 978-3-7957-8706-6

Mentales training für Musiker by Renate Klöppe
How to practice better and improve performance self confidence. (only available in German) ISBN-13: 978-3764924447

Musik im Kopf by Prof. Dr.Manfred Spitzer
. (only available in German) From the acoustics of tones to the biochemistry of neurons. One of the best books written about music and the brain. ISBN-13: 978-3794529407

Das musikalische Gehirn: Wie Musik auf uns wirkt by Prof.Dr.Dr.Manfred Spitzer
. (only available in German) Wie Musik auf uns wirkt. Will be published on Nov 8. 2020 ISBN 978-3-7474-0246-7

Mut-zum-Lampenfieber by Gerhard Mantel
. (only available in German) How to handle stage fright.ISBN-13: 978-3254083852

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