After you have played your instrument for several years, the time comes when costly repairs are needed or maybe even a new purchase. An overhaul would most likely help, but sometimes it's hard to know if that's your best solution.
Lohff & Pfeiffer offers the Flex-Repair or Win-Win program, the perfect solution if you are undecided. L&P will perform a complete restoration - including silver plating if needed - of your instrument.
After you are satisfied with the outcome of the restoration, you pay for the repair. If you decide you would rather trade it for a new or other restored instrument from L&P, you have that choice as well.
This way, you do not underestimate the real possibilities and value of your instrument. You can compare your restored and optimized instrument with other used or new ones, while all are technically on the same comparable level. Your judgment will be based on solid ground. It enables you to make a qualified decision.
If you prefer another used or new instrument, we won't charge for the repair. Instead, we will trade in your old instrument for the price it was worth before the repair. This prevents you from choosing prematurely and might help you save a lot of money.
We always recommend silver plating any keys that have damaged plating or are nickle plated. The resell value is much higher for properly plated instruments.
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