
 Music stands:

Music stands
Music stands are available in many types, materials and sizes. There are 5 basic types:

1. Table music stands
Table stands are mainly used for children and for playing the recorder. They are light, foldable and can be taken to class.

2. Stationary music stands
Stationary music stands or orchestral music stands have a solid, heavy base and a larger music rest, often made of wood, so that even opera material can be comfortably placed on them. They are usually not easy and quick to fold. A wide range of accessories is available. They are available as:
1. Orchestra tripod, with large wooden or plastic plate
2. Orchestra stand with extra wide music rest for laying out more than two-sided sheet music
3. Decorative in historical decor and different types of wood 4. With extra long extension for particularly tall players
5. With a space-saving foot so that several tripods can be lined up.

Portable music stands
Portable tripods are foldable and portable. Numerous variants are also available here:
1. Tripods with 3 or 4 rod extension. This decides how long a tripod can be pulled out, but also how small it can be pushed together.
2. Different music rest sizes
3. With extra boom
4. As a plastic tripod with a fixed sheet music and integrated legs
5. Colored, black, nickel-plated or chrome-plated.

Outdoor music stands
If you often have to play outdoors, special tripods are available that have an extension on one leg so that you can hold the tripod with your foot.

Music Stand Lyras
So-called lyras are available for marching ensembles. These are music holders that can hold march booklets or sheets with a clip and are screwed directly onto the instrument.

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Kønig & Meyer
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Kønig & Meyer
Kønig & Meyer
Kønig & Meyer
Kønig & Meyer
Kønig & Meyer
Kønig & Meyer
Kønig & Meyer
Kønig & Meyer

Kønig & Meyer
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, A really nice Music stand. A really nice Music stand. A really nice Music stand. A really nice Music stand.A really nice Music stand. A really nice Music stand. A really nice Music stand.A really nice Music stand. A really nice Music stand. A really nice Music stand. A really nice Music stand.A really nice Music stand. A really nice Music stand. A really nice Music stand.
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